Rachelle Fowler

(989) 889-9798

Rachelle Fowler
Rachelle lives in Northern Michigan with her husband Pat and their two children. She often spends her leisure time trout fishing on the AuSable near her home as well as pan fishing in the numerous lakes that surround the area. She also enjoys an abundance of outdoor activities such as camping, kayaking, hiking, duck hunting, and the integration of writing and photography with these activities.

Rachelle grew up with parents that enjoyed the outdoors and this has been a part of who she is for as long as she can remember. She raised her own children with the mindset to love, respect and conserve the outdoors as well.

With this background and these interests, Rachelle has a widespread understanding of the passion of buyers and sellers in the recreational property industry. Residing in the heart of Northern Michigan where many people migrate to enjoy numerous outdoor activities, Rachelle is strategically placed to assist buyers and sellers with their needs.

Whether you are looking to make a permanent move or purchase property for sole recreational use, Rachelle is passionate about helping her clients pursue their dreams.

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